Se ha presentado la vigésimo segunda edición del festival Psychobilly Meeting, que se celebrará en Pineda de Mar (Barcelona) del 1 al 8 de julio.
Los grupos que participarán son The Sonics, The Meteors, Demented are Go, Long Tall Texas, Ricochets, Blue Cats, Frenzy, King Kurt, The Nitros, Sir Psyko and his Monsters, The Grims, The Zipheads, The Monsters, The Brains, Gutter Demons, Delta Bombers, Reverend Beat Man, Silver Shine, Ati Edge, The Frogs, Thee Creepfreaks, Blue Rockin', Wigsville Spliffs, Pitmen, Sunny Domestozs, Thee Flanders y Devil 'N' Us.